Everyone in life has setbacks, both big and small. The bigger ones may feel more noticeable, but even the smaller ones can take a toll on the way we think and feel. These challenges can leave people scrambling to keep up, and might lead to people reconsidering their paths and goals. Learning how
10 Marketing Rules the Best Entrepreneurs Live By
1. Grab attention. You’ve probably seen the statistic about the average attention span being less than a goldfish because of today’s evolving digital world. Regardless of whether the statistic is true, it’s imperative that your marketing captures customers’ attention. Here’s
5 Tips To Help Build A High Impact Personal Brand
There was a time when a company’s brand meant everything. The founders and employees were simply a byproduct of that brand. But with the explosion of social media over the past decade, real-time networking has brought personal brands to the forefront. To achieve personal brand success, it should
How To Start a Business and Save For Retirement at the Same Time
Starting a business is an endeavor that is not for the faint of heart. It takes up to 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and every bit of your mental and emotional focus, not to mention, in most cases, a significant amount of your life savings. To muster up that much energy and effort, small
5 Ways To Find Out If Your Customers Are Happy
Most entrepreneurs assume that they have happy customers. And, of course, they want customers to love their product and company. Few know what customers are feeling and fewer still elicit or solicit the love they seek. They figure they can just Google their company to see if anybody is saying