Do you appreciate and say to your partner, friends and family daily, “I Love You or do you leave them wondering by replying back to their professed love by saying Ditto?”
As I traveled to New York City last week for Blogher, I had the pleasure of experiencing my first Broadway musical, Ghost which reminded me just how precious time is and why we must convey to our loved ones daily how much we love them.
If you are familiar with the box office hit of Ghost you know that it’s a story about a couple, Molly and Sam that live in the hustle and bustle of NYC. Molly is constantly telling Sam that she loves him and he always replies with, Ditto, leaving Molly asking Sam the question, “Why do you always say that? Why don’t you say I love you. Do you really love me?”
Without spoiling the rest of the story for those that have not seen the Broadway version, Sam of course is murdered and taught how to gain the power to move things and finally get in touch with Molly as a Ghost to let her know that he does love her.
The musical, I have to say is very moving and touching as many tears were flowing in the Theatre. The performance was outstanding with lighting, theatrics and choreography unlike any other provoking me to think what if my partner or loved one was to suddenly pass? Would they know I really loved them? Also, the feeling it created was unbelievable. I suddenly felt the pain as if the tragic event had taken place in my life.
The lasting impression I was left with was to make sure I am telling my friends and family they are constantly loved. If I ever do pass, let them know that I will always be there in spirit and to be strong as I will be walking beside them echoing, “I Love You” and not “Ditto”
If you are in the NYC area between now and August 25, I strongly urge you to check out Ghost On Broadway. It is one musical not to be missed.
Jason… It was so amazing seeing Ghost with you & I really appreciate your generosity in securing those tickets! A Broadway show is such a treat for a Single mama & the storyline was priceless.
I LOVE YOU!! Big Hug…