Nestled in the High Country of the North Carolina mountains of Valle Crucis lies a hidden treasure of relaxation and rejuvenation called Mast Farm Inn. The Inn is not just any ordinary Inn. The Inn is a bread and breakfast situated on the J.B. Mast Farm that dates back to 1810 complete with
How To Re-Purpose Content: 11 Ways
Okay, so everyone reading this understands the power of content. There isn’t much argument that content is king. It is also true that creating consistently compelling content can be quite a challenge. Some of you hire others to do this on a full-time basis. Others have outsourced part of their
Summer Travel: 5 Beaches That Are A Must To Visit
Are you planning to take some time to travel this summer but don’t want to visit your usual destination? If so, these 5 beaches that are a must to visit during summer travel. You may just find your new “go to” beach for summer vacations. 1) Lake Tahoe Featuring more than 72 miles of sandy
10 Ways To Be Successful At Networking Events
Networking events have been a big part of the business and social scene for as long as anyone can remember. When attending an event, it is imperative to encompass the goal of helping others first which is old cliché that is often left at the door. When headed to your next event, keep in mind you
How To Be Successful With Twitter Marketing
Just as Google is a giant among search engines, so is Twitter among social media marketing sites. According to, Twitter boasts an impressive 974 million users. Even so, many businesses attempting to leverage the incredible marketing potential offered by Twitter often make critical
Hiring a Social Media Agency – Are You Asking the Right Questions?
“Why hire a social media consultant if I can do the job myself?” Most businesses have asked this question at least once because they tend to assume that social media starts and ends at having a Facebook fan page or a Twitter account. Wrong! Friends, believe me, it does not get the job done. Using